About PEA

Generation Z is unique

They report higher rates of anxiety than previous generations, especially at work
And they see the role of work in their lives differently than previous generations

Both of these differences can create conflict at work, which would make anyone anxious!

When the stress response system is activated for too long, it can shut down parts of the brain responsible for executive functioning, creativity, and problem solving

All important skills for doing well at work!

To support Gen Z’s success at work, we need to support their nervous systems, and our own

That’s where the PEA Method Training comes in!

What is PEA?

PEA stands for Person, Environment, and Activity: the three factors occupational therapists think about when we want to support a client.

These three factors fit together like a venn diagram. In the middle where they overlap is “participation,” or what we can see a person doing. We can support a person’s participation by addressing any of the three PEA factors.

The PEA Method Training takes a step-by-step look at the three factors that impact how staff engage with their work, then helps you think like an OT to support your unique staff, in your unique setting

Hi, I’m Haley Pogachefsky, OTD

I am curious and engaged in supporting young adults as they develop resilience and confidence in their professional identity.

I believe thinking like an OT is a superpower. For my occupational therapy doctoral project, I set out to help employers and supervisors think like OTs to support their young adult staff’s mental health at work. The end result was the PEA Method Training.

After graduating with my doctorate in 2024, I am excited to continue evolving and adapting the PEA training to meet your needs.

Academic work Behind PEA