
Executive functioning coaching

Executive functioning is all about how we manage our emotions and the resources we have, in order to achieve a goal

We use our executive functions to get homework done, apply to a new job, stay on top of emails, and much more

You may benefit from help with your executive functions if you…

  • Have a hard time starting or finishing a task

  • Lose focus easily

  • Get easily frustrated when you make a mistake

Individual sessions via Zoom for OT assessment and intervention

Package rates available for recurring sessions

College application tutoring

Applying to college can be more than an essay

The application process is an opportunity to explore who you want to be as an adult

I specialize in helping young adults go to college with purpose

I apply my research in young adult professional development in my work tutoring college applicants

Individual & group sessions via Zoom for time management | brainstorming | editing | executive functioning support

Recurring sessions via Zoom for the full application process

Package rates available for recurring sessions

Leadership Training for supervisors of young adult staff

If you’re lost on how to support your young adult staff, the two-part PEA workshop training is designed to help.

I designed this training as my occupational therapy doctoral project with the latest evidence-based strategies in education, professional development, and mental health.

This workshop gives you the tools to think like an occupational therapist to support your staff’s mental health and job performance.

I provide step-by-step guidance on how to integrate the right evidence-based strategies to support your unique staff, in your unique organization

Trainings available virtually or in-person | for leadership, staff, or combination